Audacious You


Platform Overview

Robust, proactive work environments are the dividends you earn from sustained investments in personal-interpersonal development.


NYC Public Schools Professional Development
Professional development is essential to the upgrade of any

Team Building

Strong teams and positive relations among staff are key indicators of effective, proactive



Effective facilitation not only improves productivity and the bottom-line but yields enormous

Curriculum Design & Development

Good instructional design is fundamental to performance outcomes and when paired with


Life Coaching for Leaders (LCL)

Our newest capacity building offering, Life Coaching for Leaders (LCL) is designed to support


Platform Overview
Coaching is a creative process of partnering with a client to facilitate the client’s learning and ultimately, forward movement.


Group Coaching

Group coaching is a small group process led by a professional coach. What distinguishes group

Price List

Coaching is an investment in your development and future. We offer several types of services in

Couples’ Relationship Coaching
Love and belonging are fundamental human needs. And the truth is, when our

Free Consultation

Want to get a feel for how life coaching might work for you? Let’s talk! We reserve 30-minute


Coaching Masterminds

Our life coaching masterminds are designed for sustained exploration of topics that matter

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Programs Overview
Our life coaching offerings, programs, and capacity building services are vital components of our overall approach to powering your greatness and personal competence.


Sip with Conversation

A Sip with Conversation is a one-night social event designed to engage millennial women in an exploratory conversation about what matters

Who Are You (BECOMING) ?

The question of “becoming” shall forever be worthy of exploration. But for vulnerable groups like women and women of color, in particular,


Power Sip

The Power Sip™ is our brand of a single-event group coaching experience nestled in an intimate setting and panel discussions that

Something Beautiful

Self-Awareness and Self-Discovery for Teen Girls (13 – 17), A 6-Week Developmental Workshop Series


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About Us Overview
We exist to be a powerful development partner. Whether in your personal or professional life, our mission is to power you to lead from the strength of who
Meet Our Team
Meet Founder & CEO Glenda M. Francis and our growing team of consultants and specialists.

Hey, Audacious You!

Welcome to the season of metamorphosis! 🍂 It feels good to be writing this post and reconnecting with you after a lengthy hiatus.

I’ve got one question: Are you ready to #crush your fall goals? 🙋🏽‍♀️

It’s Time to Fall Forward!

Like me, perhaps you, too, have left a few goals unchecked on your summer-to-do list and felt the sting of disappointment. To be clear, these goals weren’t #summergoals but rather, important short-term goals you’d hoped to accomplish during the summer season.

Well, it’s time to shake off any lingering doldrums and gear up for the work and season ahead.

In this blog post, I share four (4) practical steps to get back on track to finish the year strong. Let’s get ready to fall forward for greater success and fulfillment!

Step #1: Clarify What Happened

Start by looking back to move forward. Take a moment to reflect on what derailed you from achieving your goals or led to the setback.

Was it a lack of preparation and effort?
Did you underestimate the challenges or timetable?
Was your approach realistic and manageable for you?

As you reflect, avoid using reactive language (“This tends to happen to me…”) or positioning yourself as a victim (“If that didn’t happen…”).

Instead, be direct and proactive (“I was inconsistent in following through and need to address this going forward.”)

Your review should include an honest appraisal of obstacles and challenges including your own limitations. Where possible, consult any data such as your checklists, benchmarks, and metrics to achieve a fuller portrait.

Whatever the reason(s), the goal is to leverage the review as an opportunity to make changes, adjust your strategy, and grow as an individual.

And, to clarify your WHY. That’s the focus of the next section.

Step #2: Reconnect to Your WHY

When we set goals, we’re committing to lead our lives in a certain direction towards a meaningful cause or greater purpose. This meaning or purpose is our why. It’s what drives and inspires us.

Reconnect to your why to stay focused and motivated especially when the going gets tough. Consider . . .

What led you to set the goal in the first place?
What makes the goal important for you?
What’s at stake if nothing changes?

Once you’ve answered these questions–preferably aloud–you’ll probably feel a shift in energy. That’s the power of your why and your desire to achieve it!

Build on this upward spiraling, confidence-boosting energy by reminding yourself of your wins. That’s next!

Step #3: Because Sometimes, You Need to be Reminded of Your Wins

This! 👏🏽

When things go awry, we have a tendency to expect and fixate on negative stimuli. That’s because our brain is hard-wired for negative events. Known as the negativity bias, this hard wiring (and our conditioning) then leads to unhealthy mental chatter and reactive thinking and doing.

For example, negativity bias can affect our ability to draw a broader perspective, including minimizing the good we’ve accomplished and that’s around us.

It’s time to BIG yourself up by reflecting on and celebrating your wins.

Remind yourself of what you’ve achieved thus far. Jot them down–or type them for added impact–and display them prominently in your environment. (As for me, I celebrated quite a few victories including conducting my annual review to start the year and developing my Something Beautiful curriculum for teen girls. Big FLEX! 💪🏾 )

More importantly, remind yourself of the qualities and character traits that powered your achievements such as your self-belief, creativity, and grit.

Flex for what your power has brought forth. 💪🏾

No matter how insignificant they may seem, celebrate your wins. Each step forward reinforces your self-trust, moves you closer to your outcome, provides a sense of accomplishment, and boosts your motivation.

This energy booster is exactly what you need to fall forward with renewed purpose.

In the next section, I share how to make smart adjustments using micro-goals and accountability measures to stay on track.

Step #4: Make Smart Adjustments with Micro-Goals & Stay on Track

Let’s suppose your goal is to purchase a house, then a micro-goal could be budgeting for it or getting pre-approved for a loan. Suddenly, buying the house feels less daunting and more attainable, right?

This is the effect of micro-goals. Setting micro-goals allows us to manage our goals by segmenting them into smaller, more manageable goals and tasks. They offer us a road map of sorts to our destination.

What micro-goals could you set towards achieving your bigger goals?

Jot them down and prioritize them to ensure productivity. Not every micro-goal is equally weighted or carries the same urgency. So, get clear about which ones to tackle immediately, in the short-term, and in the long-term.

Holding Yourself Accountable

Of course, even tackling smaller tasks requires discipline and accountability. Lock into your mental toughness and renewed motivation to move you forward, step-by-step and day-by-day.

Plan to hold yourself accountable by periodically evaluating your progress and making adjustments along the way. Decide for yourself the frequency of check-ins that you feel good to you: weekly? bi-weekly? monthly? quarterly?

And, be sure to schedule your check-ins in your calendar or agenda.

Resources such as to-do journals, checklists, productivity apps, or even an accountability partner can also be effective in keeping you on track. Find a tool and system that works for you and stick with it.

The fall season of transition is upon us and we, too, can seize this opportunity to embrace change with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Throughout this blog post, we’ve explored evaluating what led to your setback, reconnecting to your “why,” celebrating your wins, and making adjustments with micro-goals and measures to stay on track. These are all powerful tools that can propel you forward to achieving your goals and personal effectiveness.

May this season of metamorphosis bring you growth, inspiration, &
the daring to pursue your dreams.

Fall forward, Audacious You!

Need support getting back on track and implementing some of the steps outlined? We’re here to help and only a click away. Contact us.


About Glenda M. Francis

Glenda M. Francis is the founder of Audacious Inner Works Institute in New York, a personal development and capacity building service organization. She is an ICF credentialed life coach specializing in confidence building, life design, and women’s wellness and power.