Dear Audacious You Readers,
Happy 2022 New Year & New You!
It’s the start of a brand new, hopeful year and you’re fired up to #crush your big goals! Let’s do it! In this post, I offer three practical strategies (and a reality check) to leverage success for the results you want.
Your big, bold vision already exists in the spiritual realm—you’ve experienced it intellectually, creatively, and may have even developed an emotional bond to it. Good for you! The task before you now is manifesting your vision in the physical realm. This is where many of us run into trouble because we expect our vision to manifest 1) immediately, 2) as we’ve envisioned it, and 3) without hiccups. In other words, we fall victim to our own unrealistic expectations and then fear and self-doubt fill the gaps to completely derail us.
Here are three practical strategies for leveraging—and sustaining—success:
#1- Allow Your Affirmations/Mantras to Inspire You. You already know that affirmations are motivational and powerful intention statements. The way we think and talk influences our emotions and behaviors. Positive thinking is rocket fuel for our brain, which responds optimally when we utilize affirmative language. Speak to the possibility to propel you forward rather than the limitations of your fears.
Here’s one of my favorite, guiding affirmations:
“Our thoughts and feelings have electromagnetic reality. Manifest wisely.”
✓ REALITY CHECK: You will be faced with challenges along the way. Accept this reality now as a natural occurrence—avoid the “woe is me” personalizing syndrome —and commit to developing the resolve to overcome the challenges as they occur. Yes, you CAN do it and you WILL!Affirmations are not only useful during good times, but can serve to steady us during rocky times when our thoughts are usually the most negative. During such moments, get still and call forth your affirmations to offer clarity of purpose and inspiration to re-invigorate you. You can create your own that speak to your unique situation or source a few from the abundance available on the internet. Keep them visible in your environment.
When we combine our affirmations with our visions and actions, we increase the likelihood that our desired outcomes can be achieved.
#2- Set Realistic Expectations. This is HUGELY important and a key indicator of success. When you set realistic expectations from the outset, you’re better able to manage your goals and avoid feelings of overwhelm, which usually cause us to abandon our goals. When setting expectations, carefully consider commitments on your time, available resources, energy levels, relationships, and circumstances.Be mindful, too, that goals vary in value and the time required to fulfill them.
Therefore, it helps to sort your goals into immediate-, short-, and long-term time frames. Define for yourself what each term means. For example, for me, immediate means right away through the next few days. Short-term means within a couple of weeks to six months while long-term extends beyond six months spanning years.THINK : Given your situation, what realistic expectations (including time frames) can you set for yourself?
#3- Measure Your Goals & Celebrate Micro-wins. Clearly define what you want to accomplish and how you will measure it. We’ve already examined setting time frames above. Another way to measure is to create micro-goals (breaking larger goals into smaller ones) to manage the process and offer feedback about your progress relative to your ultimate goals.
For example, if your goal is to publish a monthly blog post, a micro-goal might be to spend x minutes across x number of days each month sourcing current content. Notice how I quantified the micro-goal, another critical way to measure your goals.
Here’s another example: Rather than saying, “I want to increase my YouTube following,” try, “I want to gain x more followers by date.” With this specific, measurable goal, it becomes easier to create a plan for getting after those new members and staying locked on your target.
Remember to integrate ongoing review as part of your process and recalibrate as necessary. And, it’s just as important to CELEBRATE your micro-wins along the way. Small victories → BIGGER victories = Success + confidence in your abilities!
I believe in your power to get things done. You’re now armed with three additional strategies for taking on the new 2022 year—and WINNING! Recapped here, they are: fortify yourself with #affirmations, #check your expectations, and #measure your goals / celebrate wins!
I’d love to hear about what you found helpful, your questions, and especially how your plans are unfolding. Please share your comments below or reach out to me directly.
I wish you an impactful, phenomenal 2022 year! Ashe.
In Love & Light,
About Glenda M. Francis
Glenda M. Francis is the founder of Audacious Inner Works Institute, a personal development and capacity building service organization. She is an ICF credentialed life coach specializing in confidence building and women’s wellness and power.
Contact us for our life coaching and personal development services.