I have known Glenda Francis since college, well over 25 years. She is and has always been a gifted, thoughtful, authentic, and amazing teacher and woman. Her life’s mission has always been to improve the lives of others. Back then, she worked with school kids; today, she works with adults as a Life Coach. Glenda is serious about what she commits herself to and passionate about helping others evolve and improve their lives. On a personal level, Glenda has pushed me in looking at my patterns, supported me in dissecting what they mean, and recognizing when they negatively influence my life. These have been my biggest revelations to date, and Glenda has been and continues to be a huge support to me in my evolution. If you are SERIOUS about doing this work, Glenda is the person you need in your corner. She will push you to dig deeper, help with the difficult work of discovering what you don’t know about yourself, and develop the necessary tools to change your life. What else can I say—she’s amazing and awesome!!!