We start with heart

Speaking Engagement Request Form

Glenda M. Francis is an “inspirational powerhouse” whose speaking mission is to ignite in women a deep sense of their own possibility and power. Her frameworks and tools invoke self-reflection and challenge limiting notions that obstruct expansiveness. Drawing from her education background and love of literature, she often engages in storytelling and punctuates her presentations with captivating read alouds.

Presentation Topics:

  • Radical Pursuits: The Why, What, & How
  • Tackling Obstacles
  • Harnessing Confidence & Personal Power to Lead from Strength
  • Getting Acquainted with your Spiritual & Intellectual DNA
  • Wielding Power with Affirmative Language Use
Glenda welcomes opportunities to serve as a guest panelist or keynote speaker for women’s and empowerment events. Special requests are welcome, and she looks forward to partnering with you to meet your programmatic needs.

1. Contact Name:

2. Contact Company / Organization

3. Event Date

MM slash DD slash YYYY

4. Event Type

5. Length of time you would like Glenda to speak

6. What is your speaking budget range or fee offer?

7. What would you like attendees to take away from this event?

8. Please describe your audience demographic (i.e. age, geographic region, psychographic profile, etc).

9. Is this the first time you are hosting this event?

Please select:(Required)

10. Please describe your marketing plan to fill the event.

11. Will we be able to sell any of our products or market our services?

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